Electronic CAD & Reliability Group
The Electronic CAD & Reliability Group is a research group inside the Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) of Politecnico di Torino. Its mission is to support, through techniques, tools, and services, the designer of electronic circuits and systems. The research conducted by the group spans the whole spectrum of classical computer-aided design topics, with particular emphasis on testing, fault tolerance, and validation of digital circuits and systems described at various levels of abstraction.
The Electronic CAD & Reliability Group consists of 10 permanent faculty members, 4 postdoctoral fellows, and 27 Ph.D. students. Details are available on the staff pages.
The Electronic CAD & Reliability Group is currently involved in 12 research projects. Further details and the list of past projects are available on the projects pages.
Open Science
The Electronic CAD & Reliability Group is committed to the advancement of Open Science. Research products are disseminated as free and open-source software on GitHub.
Where to find us
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24
10129 Torino